Leonardo da Vinci TOI n. 2013-1-IT1-LEOO5-03983 CUP code n. G73D13000280006



Confindustria Veneto SIAV - IT
Gabriella Bettiol, Chiara Salatin -Tel: +39 041 2517511, area.progetti@siav.net, www.siav.net

Technische Universität Dortmund - Sozialforschungsstelle - DE
Antonius Schröder - Tel: +49 231 7552205, schroeder@sfs-dortmund.de, www.tu-dortmund.de

Federación Vizcaína de Empresas del Metal - ES
Joseba Sainz de Baranda, Tel: +34 944 396469, joseba@fvem.es, www.fvem.es

Camera de Comert si industrie Cluj – RO
Elisabeta Dumitrescu, Tel: +40 364 730980, erzsi@ccicj.ro, www.ccicj.ro

Region of Veneto – Department of Labour - IT
Simonetta Mantovani, Tel: +39 041 2795924, simonetta.mantovani@regione.veneto.it, www.regione.veneto.it

API Applicazioni Plastiche Industriali - IT
Luca Soffia, Tel: +39 042 4579711, luca.soffia@apiplastic.com, www.apiplastic.com

Bruss Juntas tecnicas - ES
Kepa Jon Arana, Tel: +34 946 21763, kepaArana@bruss.es, www.bruss.de

SC Sinterom - RO
Alexandru Gaciu, Tel: +40-264-415080, dirprod@sinterom.ro, www.sinterom.ro

EVTA - The European Vocational Training Association - BE
Tommaso Grimaldi, Tel: +32 (0)26445891, tommaso.grimaldi@evta.net, www.evta.net

Silent partner: Fòrema - IT
Roberto Baldo, Tel: +39 049 8227277, rbaldo@confindustria.pd.it, www.forema.it


"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."