Launch Conference:
"GREEN STAR: GREEN skills for enterprises" 10th December 2013, Venezia Marghera (Italy)
During the conference the German partner Technical University of Dortmund shared the GT VET approach concerning green skills and industry analysis; the companies API, Bruss Juntas Tecnicas and Sinterom presented their context and expectations.
The University of Padua and SGS proposed an overview of the cluster approach and skills requirement connected to the green skills for the Automotive suppliers.
The National Agency Leonardo da Vinci - ISFOL presented the contribution to the green jobs development in Europe. Programma (Italiano), Programme (English) Presentations: G.Bettiol-Confindustria Veneto SIAV, Arenare-ISFOL, Bernardi-Unipd, Ferlini-SGS, Gaciu-SINTEROM, Kepa Jon Arana-BRUSS, Mascotto-API, Sainz de Baranda-FVEM
Kick off Meeting 9th December 2013 -
Venezia Mestre (Italy)
Integrating Green Skills in qualifications 4th November, 2014 - Opera Plaza Hotel
G-ral Traian Mosoiu Street, No. 10-12, Cluj-Napoca Programme - Presentations (.zip)
Reskilling and Up-skilling of Green Skills 4th of June 2014, Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund, Germany At the focus group "Reskilling & upskilling of green skills" took part representatives of the German Steel Federation, ThyssenKruppSteel (partners of GTVET), the training school of ThyssenKrupp, UNESCO-UNEVOC (Bonn headquarter) and BIBB (Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Bonn). Programme
Presentations (.zip)
"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."